Answer :
Males democrat x 10
Republican y 9
independent 13.5
Females democrat w 12
Republican r 11
independent 13.5
x + y + z + w + r + t = 4500
x + y + z ≥ 2000
x + y ≥ 1800
y + r ≥ 1800
w + r + t ≤ 1750
y < 0.25 (y + r)
0.75y < 0.25r
x, y, z, w, r, t > 450
z + t = 200 As both z and t have same cost let z = t = 450
x + y + z ≥ 2000 and x + y ≥ 1800 gives z>200 as z =450 this is satisfied.
As t =100, w+r ≤ 1650
For democrat and republicans males cost is less than females. Hence keep the females to the minimum requirement.
Take y = 450 and r = 1350
w= 500, r = 1350, t = 450
x = 1300 y = 450 z = 450
Optimal mix and cost is as follows:
Males democrat x 10 1300 13000
Republican y 9 450 4050
independent 13.5 450 6075
Females democrat w 12 500 6000
Republican r 11 1350 14850
independent 13.5 450 6075
4500 50050