Angola’s is 10 years older than Alex. Mark is 11 years younger than Alex is the total of their ages is 68 how old is the youngest of them

Angola is 10 years older than Alex.
Mark is 11 years younger than Alex.
Total of their ages = 68 years
To find:
how old is the youngest of them.
Let x be the age of Alex.
Age of Angola = 10 years older than Alex
= x + 10
Age of Mark = 11 years younger than Alex
= x - 11
Total ages = 68
Add 1 on both sides.
[tex]$\frac{3x}{3} =\frac{69}{3}[/tex]
x = 23
Age of Alex = 23
Age of Angola = 23 + 10 = 33
Age of Mark = 23 - 11 = 12
Mark is 12 years who is the youngest of them.