List your observations about population patterns in Germany based on the 1965 population pyramid. Then list observations about the 2015 population pyramid to show what has changed and what is consistent with the 1965 pyramid .

Answer :


1965 Population  

The birth rate was high in 1965.  

Very few people lived past the age of 80.

There was a big drop in men and women aged 45-49.  

There was a large bump up in the 25-29 age-group, born in the late 1930s.  

The percentage of men to women is relatively equal across the younger age-groups.  

2015 Population

The birth rate is low and seems to be decreasing

Noticeable percentages of people are living into their 80s and even some into their 90s.

The 45-54 age-group is the largest in the country.

The 25-29 age-group is just about average, neither larger nor smaller than other groups.

The percentage of men to women is relatively equal across all age-groups.


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