Answer :
1965 Population
The birth rate was high in 1965.
Very few people lived past the age of 80.
There was a big drop in men and women aged 45-49.
There was a large bump up in the 25-29 age-group, born in the late 1930s.
The percentage of men to women is relatively equal across the younger age-groups.
2015 Population
The birth rate is low and seems to be decreasing
Noticeable percentages of people are living into their 80s and even some into their 90s.
The 45-54 age-group is the largest in the country.
The 25-29 age-group is just about average, neither larger nor smaller than other groups.
The percentage of men to women is relatively equal across all age-groups.
See the image below. This is the exact answer for plato / edmentum