Answer :



The Industrial Revolution changed working conditions for people by putting them at more danger of injury from the machinery as well as pollution. People no longer had to rely on their own labour, animals or passive energy ( via rivers) and they could produce things at the industries own rate often at the expense of the worker. All in all the working conditions were worsened but later on there were protections put into place that would protect such as mandatory safety precaution such as doors opening outward (Triangle Shirt Factory) as well as child labour laws


accualty the industirlal revoulation e[was the best idea it chnage many thins just for exmaple frislty people most recoomneded hand working but the invention of the indultila revoultion every body works from the machine if thos revolution would not beig invented so the at the present time people would be working with hands and would suffer with many complications and many more


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