Answer :
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/sched/signal.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
struct task_struct *task; /* Structure defined in sched.h for tasks/processes */
struct task_struct *task_child; /* Structure needed to iterate through task children */
struct list_head *list; /* Structure needed to iterate through the list in each task->children struct */
int iterate_init(void) /* Init Module */
printk(KERN_INFO "%s","LOADING MODULE\n"); /* good practice to log when loading/removing modules */
for_each_process( task ){ /* for_each_process() MACRO for iterating through each task in the os located in linux\sched\signal.h */
printk(KERN_INFO "\nPARENT PID: %d PROCESS: %s STATE: %ld",task->pid, task->comm, task->state);/* log parent id/executable name/state */
list_for_each(list, &task->children){ /* list_for_each MACRO to iterate through task->children */
task_child = list_entry( list, struct task_struct, sibling ); /* using list_entry to declare all vars in task_child struct */
printk(KERN_INFO "\nCHILD OF %s[%d] PID: %d PROCESS: %s STATE: %ld",task->comm, task->pid, /* log child of and child pid/name/state */
task_child->pid, task_child->comm, task_child->state);
printk("-----------------------------------------------------"); /*for aesthetics*/
return 0;
} /* End of Init Module */
void cleanup_exit(void) /* Exit Module */
} /* End of Exit Module */
module_init(iterate_init); /* Load Module MACRO */
module_exit(cleanup_exit); /* Remove Module MACRO */