Answer :
Hence, the correct matches are:
A) - 4), 3), 9)
B) - 7) , 5), 10)
C) - 1), 2), 6), 8)
A stressor is a chemical or biological agent, a state of the environment, an external stimulus or an occurrence known to trigger stress to an organism.
Stressor will include 4) breaking up after a long relationship, 9) feeling burdened by academic pressure, and 3) suffering from overly noisy surroundings
Healthy stress management tips are helpful for reducing stress level.
healthy stress management techniques will match 7) practicing yoga a few times per week , 5) watching a sitcom and laughing out loud, preferably with friends , sleeping at least 7 hours per night, and 10) exercising regularly .
detrimental stress management techniques involves activities that harms the human helath and causes stress.
detrimental stress management techniques matches 8) using recreational drugs as an escape , 6) going out and binge drinking in order to blow off steam,2) eating a whole tub of ice cream for comfort , and 1) consuming multiple energy drinks to keep up during all-nighters through finals.
Hence, the correct matches are:
A) - 4), 3), 9),
B) - 7) , 5), 10)
C) - 1), 2), 6), 8)