Answer :
See explaination for details
a. See attachment for the step by step solution
b. (i) As the property rights are well defined, the equilibrium amount of pollution is socially efficient level , where MBT (F) equals the MCT (F). Thus, F = 16.
(ii) The Coasian bargaining wil begin at F = 0. As Jay possess all bargaing power, Tom is expected to pay Jay for every unit of F he employs an equal amount to his full MBT. Thus, Tom pays Jay 285. However both will get profit from F = 16
c. With the new process, Tom will be able to use F = 24 (driving the marginal benefit of fertilizer to zero) and would not have to pay Jay anything for the right to do so. This is because, solving the profit function will yield 352. Without the technology Tom will earn 67 Therefore he willing to pay upto 285 for this technology.