
Listed below are geographic features of the terrestrial worlds. In each case, identify thegeological process: impact cratering, volcanism, erosion, or tectonics (where tectonics isany large-scale processes affecting the structure of the planetary crust),mostresponsiblefor the feature described. Match the geographic feature to the appropriate geologic process. A. Volcanism 1. Mars's Olympus Mons 2. Big Island of Hawaii 3. smooth surfaces of the lunar maria B. Impact Cratering 1. old surface features of the lunar highlands C. Erosion 1. Earth's Grand Canyon D. Tectonics 1. Mars's Valles Marineris 2. Mercury's many long, tall cliffs 3. current locations of Earth's continents

Answer :



Geologic process: Volcanism.

Geographic features: big island of Hawaii, smooth surfaces of the lunar maria, Mars's Olympus Mons.

Geologic process: Impact cratering.

Geographic features: old surface features of the lunar highlands.

Geologic process: Erosion:

Geographic features. Earth's Grand Canyon.

Geologic process: Tectonics.

Geographic features current locations of Earth's continents, Mars's Valles Marineris, Mercury's many long, tall cliffs.

Note that all four processes are interrelated, so although one may be major to a particular feature, others also play some roles in their formation.

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