“Live as if you were living for the second time and had acted as wrongly the first time as you are about to act now.” --quote by Nietzsche.

Based on the quote above, what would that mean for you? How would you need to change your life to follow this advice? Can we learn from other people’s mistakes, and if so, what role might education play in “living right the first time around?”

Answer :


The quote reminds me to live my life with gratefulness and contentment.


  • The quote reminds me that I have been given another chance in life and ,therefore, I should not waste it. I should live my life with gratefulness and that I must take careful considerations before making any decisions or actions in life.
  • To follow this advice I must stop being reckless and irresponsible. I should embrace everything that comes along my way and should be thankful for the life I have been given.
  • Yes, we can learn from other people's mistakes so that we do not make the same mistakes which they have made.
  • Education is acquired mostly through secondary source. It helps us to understand the impact of an action without actually experiencing it. Education makes us aware of the consequences of taking an action whether good or bad.
  • Thus, it helps us in 'living right the first time around' as it helps us to understand the impact of a certain action before it is taken.

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