What economic and social factors in the United States led to differing ideas about slavery in the North and the South? Explain and support your answer with details.

Answer :

Earning money is easier in the North. It is because they are dependent on merchants posts and factory jobs. The South heavily relied on agriculture and they do not pay their slaves. This is the reason why the North is upset about the slavery in the South.

Economic factors

- North- During the Antebellum ear, the North was extremely focused on industry. The development of factories and manufactured goods drove the Northern economy and resulted in the development of several different prosperous ports.

- South- The South relied almost exclusively on agriculture in terms of their economy. The primary cash crop grown was cotton, which was built around slave labor. This is why Southerners heavily favored keeping the institution of slavery.

Social factors-

- North- Movements like the abolitionist movement gained popularity in the North. The goal of this movement was to get rid of slavery, for both religious and political reasons.

- South- There was a rigid social hierarchy in the South, with slaves being at the bottom of this social pyramid. Race was a significant factor in the South and resulted in a different set of laws for African-Americans and whites.

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