
3. Which accidental is used in measure 15? How does this accidental alter the original note?

4. What does the dynamic marking mf mean in measure 1?

5. What do the dots above the repeated notes in measure 2 mean?

6. What is the Italian term for this mark in measure 16? What does it mean?

7. What key is this piece in?

8. Which of the following scales match the key of this piece? Circle your answer and name the scale.
a. b. c.

9. What is the time signature?

10. In which measures is the rhythm, “quarter, eighth, eighth, eighth, eighth, quarter rest” found? How many beats make up this rhythmic pattern?

11. Name the measure that has a double bar line:

12. What does the Italian term allegro mean at the top of the piece?

13. Here is the motive: What variation technique is used to develop the motive in measures 17 – 20?

14. What Classical Era accompaniment technique is used in this piece?

15. Using the letters "A" and "B," name the form of this piece.

Answer :


3. The accidental used in measure 15 is called a sharp. It raises the pitch of the note it's placed next to by a half step up.

4. Mezzo Forte, Mezzo means medium and Forte means loud. "Medium loud"

5. The dots above the repeated notes in measure 2 are called "staccato(s)". It means to play a note short and detached.

6. The Italian term for the mark (<) is called crescendo. It means to gradually get louder.

7. The piece is in A Major (F# - C# - G#)

8. The one where it is WWH W WWH

9. 4/4 is the time signature

10. Measure 23 i believe is the only measure that has the rhythm. 4 beats make up this rhythm pattern.

11. Measure 24 has a double bar line.

12. The Italian term allegro means fast, brisk, and lively

13. Not sure tell me if this is wrong or not this is what I'm putting. Dimmunition i believe. The end of each motive is shortened from a quarter to a eighth note.

14. Don't know if this is right but I'm putting Alberti bass

15. Not sure I'm confused on that one too

If I'm wrong please tell me the correct ones in my question I posted on this with picture of the musical example


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