
The scatter plot shows the number of tickets sold and the price of the tickets.

Using the trend in the scatter plot, about how much will people pay for a ticket if 50 tickets are sold?

The scatter plot shows the number of tickets sold and the price of the tickets. Using the trend in the scatter plot, about how much will people pay for a ticke class=

Answer :

Answer: People will pay about $5 for a ticket if 50 are sold.

Step-by-step explanation:

What we can deduce from this graph is the more expensive the tickets are, the less tickets are sold.

So far, the greatest number of tickets sold are 40 with a price of around $10.

Now, if people were to sell 50 tickets, following with the graph, it

would mean that the price would have to be less than 10.

Only one of the options is less than 10, and that is 5, so therefore, the answer is 5.

People will pay 5$ if 50 tickets are sold

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