
The Elizabethan hornbook

1. What calendar did people follow and why?

2. What was something all classes shared in common when it came to meals?

3. When going to someone’s house for dinner what would guests bring?

4. What system was money based off of during this time?

5. What could a successful merchant expect to make in one year (annum)?

6. How would an Elizabethan define manners.

7. What are “manners of deference” and give an example.

8. What are “manners of duty”?

9. What was the structure of Elizabethan society?

10. What is the structure of the peasantry?

11. Who were the “gentry” and what was the structure of the Gentry class?

12. Who can be part of the nobility?

13. How was a woman’s status in society determined?

Answer :


No idea bro




can i get help


About how long does it usually take a hypothesis to become a theory?

A. minutes

B. days

C. weeks

D. years

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