The richest family in town hires you to do two weeks of work landscaping their estate, but they're a little bit eccentric. Instead of just making an offer, they give you three choices of payment. With choice 1, you get a dime the first day, 20 cents the second day, 40 cents the third, and your pay doubles every day until the 14th day. For choice 2, your start out at $18 the first day, then $18 is added to the payment for each additional day until the 14th day. For choice 3, you get one dollar the first day, and your pay in dollars for any day is the square of the number of days into the job.

(a) You have 10 seconds to decide or the job goes to someone else. Which do you choose?
(b) Calculate how much money you would make in those 14 days with each option. How well did you choose?
(c) Which type of growth is illustrated by each option?

Answer :


The second option

Option 1 $1,638  

Option 2$1,890  

Option 3 $1,015  

option 1 linear growth

option 2 quadratic growth

option 3 exponential growth

Step-by-step explanation:

The option to be picked without any calculation is the second option option as it promised a higher pay the first day and subsequent days

Find attached computed figures.

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