
Nights and Dragons—
From the memoir of author Abigail Prynne

I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else."With her words in mind, I searched some more. There were many facts that hinted that dragons may not be fictional. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found dragons mentioned in more than just stories. They appeared in old legal papers, in the travel logs of Marco Polo, and in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed.

Writing in a complete sentence, what is the main idea of the passage?

Answer :

The main point of this passage is basically telling you that even though there hasn’t been a scientific explanation to the beliefs of the dragon and it’s description, many cultures believe the same description because of generational tellings.
The main idea is that Science shouldn’t be the standard for what you base your thoughts and beliefs on, you should do research on your own and draw out your own conclusions, people solely following and believing in science wouldn’t missed out on all the information you found out about them dismissing it as wrong just because it isn’t technically factually proven.