They says I was just four years old when the war was over, but I sure does member that day them Yankee soldiers come down the road.…
When word come that the Yankee soldiers was on the way, Marse Spence and his sons was away at the war. Miss Betsey told my pappy to take and hide the horses down in the swamp. My mammy help Miss Betsey sew up the silver in the cotton bed ticks. Them Yankee soldiers never did find our whitefolks' horses and their silver.…
The Yankee soldiers took all the blankets off the beds. They stole all the meat they want from the smokehouse. They bash in the top of the syrup barrels and then turn the barrels upside down.
Marse Spence gave me to Miss Marzee for to be her own maid, but slavery ended fore I was big enough to be much good to her.
Us had lots better times them days than now. What do these negroes know bout corn shuckings, and log rollings, and house raisings? Marse Spence used to let his negroes have candy pullings and syrup making time, and the way we would dance in the moonlight was something these negroes nowadays know nothing bout.

—adapted from the narrative of Lula Flannigan (78 years old), 1937

Based on her account, which of these is most likely true about Lula Flannigan?
She did not have a difficult life as a slave.
She worked in the cotton fields as she grew up.
She lived longer as a slave than as a free person.
She was never actually a real slave.

Answer :


A will be your answer


Hope this helps

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