The image below shows a certain type of global wind:

The Earth is shown as a circle. Equator is shown and labeled at 0 degrees. 30 degrees north and south latitudes are shown and labeled. 60 degrees north and south latitudes are shown and labeled. Curved arrows are shown pointing from the top and bottom ends of the circle towards 60 degrees north and south latitudes.

What best describes these winds?

Polar easterlies caused due to sinking, cool air above the poles
Polar easterlies caused due to rising, warm air above the poles
Trade winds caused due to sinking, cool air above the equator
Trade winds caused due to rising warm air above the equator

Answer :

Answer: The ANSWER IS A



As per the image, the earth is shown as a circle and the equator is located at 0°  With 30° N and S latitudes labeled on the globe. The  Curved arrows show us the point on the map where the circle points towards 60° North and south.

  • The earth is encircled with the imaginary lines of latitude and latitude that make up the equator, that tropics, temperate and polar zone sat 90° latitude.
  • The winds that blow from 0 to 30 degrees of latitude in the east to west direction are called as easterlies. Option A is correct. These winds are called trade winds.

Learn more about the image below shows a certain type of global wind.

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