Answer :
pro: If there was a country there it would be impossible to invade.
Con: Its cold
The Pros
Guidelines - There are a lot of guidelines in place to visiting the continent thanks to strict self-regulation of the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operations. These guidelines limit the size of ships, the number of visitors, places that can be visited, and minimizes the impact.
Education - How can we create advocated for a country with no native residents? With little to no visitors? As more people visit Antarctica, especially those with influence, more people are educated on the delicate balance of our global ecosystem. Should any future Antarctica mining or drilling projects come up, there will be more advocates for protecting this special continent. Because there are no local residents to speak for Antarctica, the continent needs loyal ambassadors to help preserve it. Moreover, the boats of the tours teach messages of conservation and help tourists better understand our effects on the globe.
Penguin Patterns - To date, there has been no evidence that tourism has affected the breeding patterns of wild penguins, probably due to the strict regulations on tourist interaction with Antarctic wildlife.
There are many guidelines in place, so the environmental impact can be minimised.
The awareness of the unique environment is increased as people are able to visit it.
There has been no conclusive evidence that tourism so far has disturbed breeding patterns of wildlife like penguins.
Tour operators have voluntary codes of conduct to minimise the impacts - including not going within five metres of wildlife.
Tourists learn about the marine biology and threats because of climate change - they may become ambassadors for the area.
The Cons
Risk of Pollution - There is always the danger of any accidents involving the ships touring the Antarctic, resulting in oil spills and debris that could damage the delicate ecosystems.
Invasive life - Tourists or guides could unwittingly carry outside seeds, spores, or even insects into the area, disrupting the natural balance of the ecosystem.
Animal life - As tourism increases, wildlife could abandon their normal places of habitation if they are regularly disturbed. This has the potential to negatively impact their breeding and the balance of the surrounding ecosystems.
The ecosystem is very fragile, and too many people will disrupt the delicate balance it has. It can take many years to recover, if at all.
If larger ships come, tourist numbers will increase.
Tourists, along with research scientists, may unknowingly bring seeds and spores of plants from other areas.
There is the threat of pollution, eg oil spills from the cruise ships and other methods of transport. This happened in 2007.