The adjusted account balance of Spooky Town Internal Service Fund on June 30, 2016, was as follows: Cash $4,000 Receivable from Enterprise Fund $3,000 Building $313,000 - Inventory of supplies $32,150 Vouchers payable $7,150 Transfer in from General Fund $12,000 Net Assets, July 1,2015 $315,000, Charges for services $81,000, Personal services expense $10,600, Supplies expense $42,000, Heat, light, and power expense $3,000, Depreciation expense $24,000, Accounts Payable $1,500 Prepare a statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets l for the Spooky Town Internal Service Fund for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016.Academia

Answer :



assets:Cash95,000Accounts receivable47,000Due from general fund40,000Materials and supplies18,000Total current assets200,000Noncurrent assets:Capital assets700,000Total noncurrent assets700,000Total assets900,000LiabilitiesCurrent liabilities:Accounts payable115,000Accrued interest payable4,000Total current liabilities119,000Noncurrent liabilities:Revenue bonds payable625,000Total noncurrent liabilities625,000Total liabilities744,000Net PositionNet investment in capital assets30,000Unrestricted69,000Total net position99,000

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