
two sentences using ser
one sentence using estar
one sentence using saber
one sentence using conocer
one sentence using ir + a + infinitive
one sentence using countryside vocabulary
one sentence using city vocabulary
two sentences in English describing why you selected this country

Answer :


Sentences using ser:

1. Quiero ser una doctora.

2. Quiero empezar a ser más responsable.

Sentence using estar:

1. Desearía estar en la playa en este momento.

Sentence using saber:

1. Saber acerca de anatomía es importante.

Sentence using conocer:

1. Quiero conocer Italia.

Sentence using ir+a+infinitive:

1. Voy a ir a un karaoke para cantar.

Sentence using countryside vocabulary:

1.La ropa que ella usa está muy bacana.

Sentence using city vocabulary:

1. Hoy me compré unas aretas muy lindas.

Two sentences in English describing why you selected this country:

The country I picked is Colombia because they have interesting words.

Hope this helped you :).

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