Consider that a system has two entities, Students, Instructors and Course. The Student has the following properties: student name, ID, and GPA.The instructor has the following properties: name, ID, Salary and department name. Finally the Course has Name, ID , Instructor and array of 3 students.
Implement the above system taking into account the following requirements:
Define array of 4 Courses with instantiating all its properties.[5 points]
Assume that instructor1 and instructor2 are two objects of type Instructor, write a code that enables you to write: if (instructor1.isequal (instructor2)). The statement is true if the two objects have the same name and ID. [3 points]
Define a function with the following signature void PrintCSalary(Course []), The function prints the index and the name of the course that has Instructor with Max Salary. [3 points]
Define a function with the following signature void PrintMaxGPA(Course []), The function prints the index and the name of the course that has Max average of its Students GPA.[3 points]
Define a function that has the following signature Instructor * getInstByID(Course [], int id). The function returns a pointer to one of the instructors in the array of courses, who has the same id (sent to the function).[3 points]
Write a getCourseList(int ID) function that returns a list of courses that the student registered in.[3 points]