
1. Which Law? When you are standing up in a subway train, and the train suddenly stops, your body continues to go forward.

A. Law 1

B. Law 2

C. Law 3

2. Which Law? A swimmer pushes water back with her arms, but her body moves forward.

A. Law 1

B. Law 2

C. Law 3

3. Which Law? After you start your motorcycle, as you give it more gas, it goes faster.

A. Law 1

B. Law 2

C. Law 3

Answer :

1. Law 1, since there is no other force acting on your body as you stand there, so you will continue to go forward.

2. Law 3, since the swimmer is using opposite forces to propel herself through the water. She generates a force by pushing the water which helps to push her forward.

3. Law 2, since you are giving the motorcycle more energy as a result of the gas being transformed into the energy that helps to accelerate the motorcycle's speed.

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