Write a function summarize_letters that receives a string and returns a list of tuples containing the unique letters and their frequencies in the string. Test your function and display each letter with its frequency. Your function should ignore case sensitivity (that is, 'a' and 'A' are the same) and ignore spaces and punctuation. When done, write a statement that says whether the string has all the letters of the alphabet.

Answer :



2nd part

def summarize_letters(string):

#Initializaing a empty dictionary

character_counter = {}

#converting all the characters to lowercase

string_lower = string.lower()

for i in string_lower:

#checking if the chacter presents in the dictionary then increase it by one and also to check if the character is alphabet

if i in character_counter and i.isalpha():

character_counter[i] = character_counter[i]+1

#checking if the character not present in the dictionary then assign 1

if i not in character_counter and i.isalpha():

character_counter[i] = 1

#converting the dictionary to list of tuples

list_of_tuples = [(k, v) for k, v in character_counter.items()]

return list_of_tuples

#3rd Part

#initializing a string of characters in alphabets

alphabets = 'a b b b b B A c e f g d h i j k B l m M n o p q r s P t u v w x y z'


#importing the string module

import string

#pulling all the alphabets

alphabet = set(string.ascii_lowercase)

#checking if our hardcoded string has all the alphabets

if set(alphabets.lower()) >= alphabet:

print('The string ' +alphabets+' has all the letters in the alphabet ')

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