Answer :
2nd part
def summarize_letters(string):
#Initializaing a empty dictionary
character_counter = {}
#converting all the characters to lowercase
string_lower = string.lower()
for i in string_lower:
#checking if the chacter presents in the dictionary then increase it by one and also to check if the character is alphabet
if i in character_counter and i.isalpha():
character_counter[i] = character_counter[i]+1
#checking if the character not present in the dictionary then assign 1
if i not in character_counter and i.isalpha():
character_counter[i] = 1
#converting the dictionary to list of tuples
list_of_tuples = [(k, v) for k, v in character_counter.items()]
return list_of_tuples
#3rd Part
#initializing a string of characters in alphabets
alphabets = 'a b b b b B A c e f g d h i j k B l m M n o p q r s P t u v w x y z'
#importing the string module
import string
#pulling all the alphabets
alphabet = set(string.ascii_lowercase)
#checking if our hardcoded string has all the alphabets
if set(alphabets.lower()) >= alphabet:
print('The string ' +alphabets+' has all the letters in the alphabet ')