What is the definition of forensic palynology? (2 points)
What is pollen? (2 points)
What organisms produce pollen? (1 point)
What are spores? (2 points)
What organisms produce spores? (1 point)
What is the difference between pollen and spores? (2 points)
What are four things that can be determined through the forensic examination of pollen and spores? (2 points)
What is a pollen fingerprint? (2 points)
Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting some of the characteristics and examples of angiosperms and gymnosperms. (4 points)
What is the difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination? (2 points)
Describe the three methods of pollination (wind, animal water). (3 points)
What is an exine? (2 points)
Name four spore producers. (2 points)
Describe forensic methods of collection and analyzation of pollen and spores. (3 points)

Answer :

Answer: Forensic palynology is the study of pollen, spores and other acid-resistant microscopic plant bodies, including dinoflagellates, to prove or disprove a relationship among objects, people and places that pertain to both criminal and civil cases.

Pollen, in basic terms, is plant sperm, which helps fertilize eggs in a plant's pistil.

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