Answer :
c. Mix width
Product mix width can be defined as the total number of product lines that a company has to sell.
As an example, we can mention a cosmetics company that manufactures four different types of products, such as jewelry, perfumes, clothes and makeup.
Companies use the strategy of having different product lines because they add benefits such as attracting more consumers and gaining a larger share of the market.
Weston introduced whole grain white bread, which gives kid the bread texture and color they realize and love and parents the vitamins they want for their children, is the example of Product Mix width.
What is the product mix width?
The product mix width is defined as the number of product lines that attach to sales. In short, it means the total amount of product lines that a company has to sell.
Refer to a cosmetics company that make up or deals with the four different types of products, like adornment or jewelry, toiletries, clothes and makeup.
Companies use the strategy of mix width of having various product lines because they increase goods and their benefits, such as forcing some more consumers and deriving a bigger share of the market.
In the above case, George Weston Limited produces whole grain white bread, means the company uses the mix width production strategy to increase their sales and wealth.
Therefore, the company uses the production mix width method of marketing.
To learn more about the mix width, refer to: