Answer :
Here's what I get
1. Nitrogen
A nitrogen atom has a central positively-charged nucleus surrounded by seven electrons. Two are in the first energy level and the other five are in the second.
2. Sodium
In a sodium atom 11 electrons surround the nucleus in three energy levels in a 2-8-1 order.
3. Calcium
In a calcium atom 20 electrons surround the nucleus. The electron shell configuration is 2-8-8-2.
4. Bromine
The Bohr model of a bromine atom would show 35 electrons surround the nucleus in a is 2-8-8-17 shell configuration.
More modern variations use principal quantum numbers and a 2-8-18-7 arrangement.
5. Neon
A neon atom has 10 electrons surrounding the nucleus in a 2-8 shell configuration.