Answer :
Although I havent read this book, I can help you to find the answer.
Look into the point when the protagonist handles the conflict in the story, (Usually i would take some notes, it really helps) think about the way that the conflict was handled. How is it going to effect the protagonist?
How does theme develop in a story? It can be either explicit or implicit, right? If this story is implicit, than it will go through a series of events that will help you conclude what the theme is. (Normally you would discover this in the end of the story.) If you are looking for how it specificaly developed, make sure to look for events that would signify the development of the theme.
Which by I how I read the title, I take it the theme is about making a fire, or what the feeling the author expirenced during the making.
I hope this helps!
And please consider brainliest!!
I am dearly sorry if this did not answer your questions.