
you work at an electronYou work at a local electronics store, Electronics Warehouse. While you are working you spot a customer who appears to place something into their backpack (which you think is an item they haven't paid for). Before they exit the store you yell "STOP THAT THIEF" and another employee tackles the customer at the exit. When the customer is tackled he injures his knee and is spotted by his current boss. You and the employee escort the customer back to the security office and rummage through his backpack, but unfortunately you don't find any evidence that something was stolen, so you release the customer and apologize for the mix-up. The next day the customer returns to his job and is fired for being "a thief" by his boss who witnessed the events at the electronics store the day before. a. Explain in detail what tort theories the customer can sue the Electronics Warehouse. Would he be successful? b. Can you or the other employee be sued for a tort? If so, what tort(s)? c. What defenses would the Electronics Warehouse raise? Would they be successful?

Answer :

Answer: The answers are provided below


a. Yes, the customer can sue the Electronics warehouse. The customer was wrongly accused of stealing and was called a thief in front of everyone present in the store. In this case, the customer has lost his reputation.

The customer can be successful because he was called a thief which he wasn't. He got injured due to this and also lost his job. This is a serious misconduct and offense and the customer can be successful if he sue the Electronics company.

b. Yes, the employee and I can be sued for tort as we called him a thief without investigation and injured him. This has led to a big harm for the customer who lost his job due to this issue. With the illegal approach, both the employee and the electronic store can face the legal proceedings asnthey can be sued for major loss for the customer.

c. The Electronic Warehouse can raise the defense that they have apologized to the customer and they can also say that they took the measure to protect their stores from theft.

No, they can't be successful as they easily stop the customer without tackling him and making a mockery of him by calling him a thief. He also lost his job due to this. Hence, this is a serious issue that has created emotional and financial damage for the customer.

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