Answer :
agronomy: an agricultural science that deals with crop production and improvement
cutting: a technique in horticulture in which a cutting made from a stem, root, or leaf is used to grow a new plant
grafting: a technique used in horticulture in which a part of the stem or a bud is inserted into a plant with a good root system so that it becomes the top part of the plant and uses the root system it was grafted into
layering: the technique of developing roots on a stem of a plant while that stem is still attached to the parent plant and then cutting the stem away from the parent plant and planting it
rootstock: the portion of a plant with the root system used in grafting
scion: the portion of a plant with buds that is placed into the stock by grafting
teosinte: a tall grass of Mexico and Central America related to corn
triticale: a high-yielding wheat and rye hybrid plant
vegetative propagation: growing of new plants from other plant parts