what role did black girls and women play in the montgomery bus boycott? in what ways were they the "backbone" of the boycott? who were its major players/contributors (individually and collectively)

Answer :



The answer is below.


1. what role did black girls and women play in the montgomery bus boycott?

Black girls and women joined in non-violent boycott protest, they volunteers, attend various Meetings, and join committees to see to the success of the movement. Mary Fair Burks of WPC was quoted to have said that, the success of the protest goes to the "nameless cooks and maids who walked endless miles for a year to bring about the breach in the walls of segregation”

2. in what ways were they the "backbone" of the boycott?

First of all, the incidence of the back girls or women (Claudette Colvin, Mary Louise Smith and Rosa Parks) are what sparked the movement, while also

3. who were its major players/contributors (individually and collectively)

The major players or contributors are:

A) Claudette Colvin, a 13 year old girl, in 1955, who refused to give her seat to white passenger, declaring that it was her constitutional right to stay seated.

B) Mary Louise Smith, an 18 year old girl, who seven months after the incident of Claudette also refused to give her seat to white passenger.

C) Rosa Parks, who is a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), also refused to yield her seat. However all of them were thrown out of the bus and arrested for each incidence.

It was the arrest of Rosa Parks, that sparked the Montgomery movement, which now involves other individuals and groups such as:

D) Martin Luther King Jr, the president of Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)

E) Jo Ann Robinson, the president of Women’s Political Council (WPC)

F) Durr, E. D. Nixon, former leader of the Montgomery chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),

G) Women’s Political Council (WPC)

H) Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)

I) Montgomery chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),

J) Johnnie Carr

K) Irene West

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