Answer :
1. Here's examples of ethical theories:
Utilitarianism: this theory focuses on actions in this case–in the workplace, that provide the greatest satisfaction for majority. In this case the sexual harassment practices does not benefit the greater number of employees in the workplace.
Deontological theory: even though this theory believes that what people do is what's important not the consequences of their actions, it stresses doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do.
So the employees actions constitute a violation of this theory–by going against workplace ethics.
The other two theories are the Care hypothesis and Moral hypothesis.
2. The negotiation technique includes;
1. Reciprocity: this involves honestly asking oneself; Would I want others to treat me or someone close to me this way?
2. Publicity: Think about how others would view your actions publicly. Would they be comfortable?
3. Trusted friend:
Would I be comfortable telling my best friend, spouse, or children what I am doing?
4. Principle of Universality:
A deliberate self examination about you advise anyone else in same situation to act in this same way as you want to do?
5. Legacy: think about the future; Does this action reflect how I want to be known and remembered?