
Flowers of orchid species Ophrys bombyliflora look and smell like female bumblebees. This attracts the male bumblebees flying nearby to the flowers. Thus, pollen sticks to the head and abdomen of the bumblebee, which causes pollination. This orchid species is only pollinated by these bees, which is why the species is known as bumblebee orchids.

What mode of evolution is represented by this example?

Punctuated equilibrium
Adaptive radiation

Answer :

This form of evolution is known as adaptive radiation. Adaptive radiation is the process by which one species evolves to be able to adapt to competitive surroundings and results in the species' survival. In this example, the flower evolved in an adaptive way to ensure that only bumble bees would want to pollinate their flowers as they would be attracted to the scent of the females.

The correct answer from the choices is Adaptive radiation