It was a crisp, autumn day as Rose stood outside the pizza place. She was waiting for her friends to arrive, and they were late. She squinted her eyes against the setting sun. The wind whipped her hair around her face as she pulled her angora scarf closer around her neck and tried to look casual. I hope no one who matters sees me standing alone outside like a loser, she thought to herself. Most of the people who walked by were kids her age. This downtown strip was the place to be and be seen, and the longer Rose stood there lingering, the lonelier she felt. Just as she was trying to decide if it was cooler to look past people passing by, or meet their gazes directly, a figure separated from the crowd and walked straight up to her. Oh no, Rose sighed inwardly. Kristen was coming over. The summer before, she and Kristen had been in the same cabin at soccer camp. Because they had been the only two girls from the same school in their cabin, they had spent most of their time together. However, back at school, they ran in very different circles, even though they both played on the best middle school team together. Rose was happy to leave their friendship at camp and on the playing field, but Kristen persisted. Why can't she just take a hint? Rose pondered, exasperated. "Hi Rose!" Kristen nearly shouted as she was still a few steps away. Rose frantically looked around to see if anyone had noticed. When no one bothered to look their way, Rose offered up an unenthusiastic, "Hey." Kristen chatted and Rose tuned her out as she took in Kristen's baggy, torn jeans, too-big hooded sweatshirt, and messy ponytail. She managed to keep from rolling her eyes but secretly wondered why anyone would leave the house looking so unkempt. Her own outfit took all morning to pull together, though it made her look effortlessly stylish. Her makeup and hair, always perfect when she was off the soccer field, rounded out the look and made her feel vaguely superior to Kristen. Rose scanned the crowd for anyone important, and while a few minutes ago she was wishing her friends would hurry up and arrive, now she was hoping they stayed away a little while longer. Suddenly Rose spotted the captain of the football team strolling down the sidewalk with his team. Wishing the restaurant wall would swallow her up, Rose cringed at the thought of being seen with Kristen. Before she knew what was happening, the captain of the football team veered away from his friends and came to put his arm around Kristen. Kristen smiled up at him, said a perky goodbye to Rose, and walked off toward the movie theater with the most popular boy in school. With a confused look on her face, Rose turned to greet her tardy friends and thought to herself, I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. 30 When Kristen comes over to chat with Rose she probably is A. hungry and wants to enter the pizza place. B. excited to see a friend and wants to say hello. C. only interested in showing off her popular boyfriend. D. looking for assistance with her soccer skills.

Answer :




So here you have to notice her gestures and the setting. Although nobody would come to meet a friend unprepared or without looking good, Kristen made her move to come meet Rose despite her unkempt look. Moreover, the enthusiasm in her greeting shows that she was indeed excited.

Hope this helps :D




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