
Ulysses was born with a physical deformity that makes his ears smaller and less developed than typical people. His
classmates have been teasing him about it, telling him that he will never get a girlfriend and that he should get
plastic surgery. Which of the following might be a way that Ulysses could be affected by this behavior? Check all that
changes sleep patterns
damages self-esteem
o decreases school absences
increases the risk of anxiety
O decreases risk of substance abuse
increases likelihood of risky behaviors

Answer :

changes sleep patterns, damages self esteem, increases risk of anxiety, increases likelihood of risky behaviors

The ways for which Ulysses could be affected include changes in sleep patterns, damages self-esteem, increasing the risk of anxiety, and increased likelihood of risky behaviors.

Mental health can be defined as emotional, social and psychological well-being.

Mental health is a fundamental part of health because it impacts our thoughts, behaviors and/or emotions.

A healthy mind helps to handle stressful situations (in this case, teasing), anxiety, as well as socialize with other persons and take healthy decisions and behaviors.

In conclusion, the ways for which Ulysses could be affected include changes in sleep patterns, damages self-esteem, increasing the risk of anxiety, and increased likelihood of risky behaviors.

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