Answer :
Answer and Explanation:
Because there is a 23% chance of getting that many girls by?chance, the method has A) has statistical significance B) does not have statistical significance C) has practical significance D) does not have practical significance. A) Most or B) Not many couples would likely use a procedure that raises the likelihood of a girl from approximately? 50% rate expected by chance to the what % produced by this method, so this method A) has statistical significance B) does not have practical significance C) does not have statistical significance. D) has practical significance.
Since there is a 23 percent probability which many women can get by probability, Method B) has no statistical significance
From this method, the girl's percentage is
= 1066 ÷ 2097
= 0.5084
= 50.84%
Not so much of couples will actually use a technique that increases a girl's probability from the approximately 50 percent rate predicted by chance to the 50.84 percent provided by this process, so this approach B) has no practical significance