Answer :
What is the difference between ethics and values?
ETHICS: It can be said that ethics are the moral compass of right and wrong. They differ from culture to culture. Ethics imply a social system of some common principle. Also, ethics are constraining by nature, given that they are one of the sources of the laws of the land. They govern the whole society's perception of rightness or wrongness of a situation. Ethics remain same for humans, despite slight cultural differences. For example, ethics say that it is right to choose life over death.
VALUES: Values are more personal. It's what we learn from our family and friends. We take that knowledge, pick what is more important to us. The chosen ones become our values. They are not restricted only to right and wrong. Our values are the reason behind our general behaviour. Values motivate us to make our way through life. Given the dynamic nature is human psychology, values can change over time. They differ from person to person. For example, values tell us to engage in smoking or drinking, or not.