
Read the following short story. In the left margin summarize the chunked sections. In the right margin write the names of the characters you come across. The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage by The Brothers Grimm 1. Once upon a time, a mouse, a bird and a sausage became partners and decided to live together. For a long time, all went well; they lived in great comfort, and they did well enough to be able to add things to their house. The bird's duty was to fly daily into the woods to gather firewood. The mouse brought the water, and the sausage did the cooking. 2. When people are too successful, they always want something new. One day, the bird met a fellow bird and started to brag about his nice house. But the other bird mocked him for doing all the hard work while the other two stayed at home and had a good time. When the mouse had prepared the fire and gotten the water, she could go into her little room and rest until it was time to set the table. The sausage only had to take care of the pot to see that the food was properly cooked. When it was near dinnertime, he just threw himself into the soup, rolled in and out among the vegetables three or four times, and there they were, buttered and salted, and ready to be served. Then, when the bird came home and put down the wood, they sat down at the table, and when they had finished their meal, they could sleep until the following morning. And that was really a very delightful life. 3. Influenced by the other bird's words, the bird refused to bring in the wood the following morning. He told the others that he had been their servant long enough, and that he had been a fool. It was time to make a change and to try to arrange their work differently. No matter how much the mouse and the sausage begged, it was of no use. The bird was in control of the situation, and a new plan had to be made. They drew lots, and now the sausage had to bring in the wood, the mouse had to cook, and the bird had to bring the water. 4. And now, what happened? The sausage went out to search for wood, the bird made the fire, and the mouse put on the pot. Then, they waited for the sausage to return with wood for the following day. But the sausage didn't come, so they became worried, and the bird flew out to meet him. He had not flown far, however, when he came across a dog. The dog had met the sausage and, thin­ king it was his to have, had stopped and swallowed him. The bird accused the dog of robbery, but nothing he said helped. The dog said that the sausage had lied about who he was, and that was why his life had been ended. The bird picked up the wood and flew sadly home, and he told the mouse all he had seen and heard. They were both really sad, but agreed to make the best of things and to stay together. 5. So, now the bird set the table, and the mouse prepared the food. She wanted to prepare It the same way as the sausage, by rolling in and out among the vegetables to salt and butter them, so she jumped into the pot. But she stopped before she reached the bottom, because she had already died because of the boiling soup. 6. When the bird came in and wanted to have dinner, he could not see the cook anywhere. He was so worried that he threw the wood on the floor. He called and searched, but he could not find the cook. Then, some of the wood that had been carelessly thrown on the floor caught fire. The bird ran fast to get some water, but his bucket fell into the well. He went in after it, but he could not get himself out again, so he drowned.

Answer :

okay so first you do this and this and then you do it on your own hope that helps:)

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