
What number has 1 ten thousand, the same number of thousands as ten thousands, 8
more hundreds than thousands, 6 fewer tens than hundreds, and the same number of
ones as ten thousands?

Answer :



Step-by-step explanation:

It is given that a number has 1 ten thousand.

The same number of thousands as ten thousands.

Number of thousands = 1

8 more hundreds than thousands.

Number of hundreds = 1+8=9

6 fewer tens than hundreds.

Number of tens = 9-6=3

The same number of  ones as ten thousands.

Number of ones = 1

So, the required number is

Number = 1 ten thousand + 1 thousand + 9 hundreds + 3 tens + 1 ones

[tex]Number=1\times 10000+1\times 1000+9\times 100+3\times 10+1\times 1[/tex]



Therefore, the required number is 11931.