Answer :



You have found yourself in a very difficult situation that will only be resolved by you making hard choices. When in a situation like this you have to think in extremes in some regard. You cannot make this person share with you; it will not happen unless over time something develops. That means you have to decide whether or not you can hold on. It is a huge risk. Your life will pass you by.

Here is an extreme solution to help you get out of what any counselor would identify as a very codependent, out of balance relationship. I want you to take some time with a pen and paper, like a journal, and pretend that this person is dead. Get it stuck in your head really well while you do this exercise. Now that you are pretending that the person is dead start listing out what you are going to do to move forward and make healthy choices regarding your life. You can even allow yourself to mourn over the loss and process feelings like that. You will find that you can go on. I think when you do this exercise you might change in the eyes of this person and the relationship could change. But when you do the exercise you cannot have it in your mind that you are just leveraging the work to pry your way into his life. You have to truly act as if that person was no more

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