How would you move the file report7 in the current directory to the parent directory? 12) How can you copy all files from the current directory to the parent? 13) Given that you are located in your home directory, what are three different ways you can create a directory named Junkyard in a subdirectory called Location that is in your home directory? i) ii) iii) 14) You are in your home directory, using the vi editor to edit a file called client-list that is under Proposals/Contracts/. You end the (vi) session. Which directory are you in now?

Answer :



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Ans(11) mv report7 ../

Here ../ represents parent directory.

Ans(12) cp -r . ../

here r represent recursion. So this command recursively copies from the current folder to parent folder.

Ans(13) Three diffrent ways possible

1. mkdir Location/Junkyard

2. cd Location

mkdir Junkyard

3. Simplest ways to create a directory is without command : just go into Location directory and create a new folder Junkyard by right clicking with mouse.

Ans(14) After ending the v i session . I will be in home directory.

In simple terms, you will come back to the directory where you have started.

Ans(4) We have to copy that file to subdirectory Projects.

cp users_on /Projects

Now when we list the home directory and Projects directory we can see the users_on file.

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